Amorante and Ibil Bedi
Where: Ranpi del Puerto (Ondarroa)
When: 25 November
I have not yet had the opportunity to approach the Ranra of the Port of Ondarroa. My friends told me it was a special place and I was going to like it. And in the end I had the excuse to attend the concerts of the Amorante and Ibil Bedi groups.
For those who have never been, two notes. Its name indicates the location of the room. Precisely in one of these obsolete industrial buildings of the port, a uphill. Premise: cool. On the other hand, you'll go in and the racket gets a second sense: next to the stage, it literally has a little skate track. Printing: wow. The room has been filled with people from the village and strangers before the concerts of the musicians. It hasn't been hard because the room is very small, but the environment is beautiful.
Amorant offers the audience songs of his latest work. It has not been an easy audience, it has spoken and mastered a lot when it drinks can beers and Russians. The concert starts as a banquet between the audience and the trumpet in hand. There has also been an opportunity to dance and sing. After thousands of laps with the keys, pedals, looper and old instruments, the veteran concert is over. Many of them didn't know it, and they've come as a surprise. Famau.
Then the Ibilbed go onstage until Christmas. Despite the third day of concert outside Pamplona, they have preserved little forces for the dark of the shoe. The youngest have taken the front line and viewers have sung from the beginning. Also those next to the Skate Trail. The Goldea album is turned around and finished. Some of her listeners, eager to hear Xira, start singing among her songs. But Amets puts it forward that it is not yet the turn. Micer's Courage has not been revalidated on the occasion of the Day against Violence against Women and has dedicated it to cowardly men.
But as it is advisable to pay tribute to these spaces, everything will remain, oasis. Some would not dare to risk, and that is why in Euskal Herria more ranps are needed from the port. Perhaps Ibil Bedi is an easy bet for such a room. But you also have to bet on artists like Amorante. You have to get listeners used to live expressing the music they know and don't like. As a listener it is also up to us to put our grain and to the less common proposals in Basque we have to make a space in our agendas and ears.
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