On July 4, several young people from Portugalete presented the project of the new gaztetxe. The communiqué published on social networks explains that for years there has been "denial" of the possibility of using a space with a sociocultural function. Meanwhile, since 2012 the owners of the former Colegio del Carmen have manifested their disinterest in the building, “condemning it to a ruin state”.
As if it were not enough, they recalled the “enormous population density” suffered by Portugalete: 47,000 people live in three square kilometers, where there is a lack of fields, parks and common areas. As a result, several young people believe that it is unfair that large spaces such as the old Carmen building are evicted.
“The working youth of Portugalete we have to recover what is ours,” they said in the paper. It is about "resurrecting" the space that has remained empty for eight years, as well as the neighborhood of Azeta and the town in which it lives. The facilities, such as the basketball and football camp, green areas, study classrooms and the gym, will be offered to the harbour lights.
The objective is to create a cultural and social space that serves to “strengthen ties and creativity of youth” among the people’s crews, “creating a class solidarity against speculators”. They have therefore appealed to the local youth to participate and see the project.
The works of cleaning and repairing the building for social use are already under way. Young people, when they see the state of the facilities, have denounced the "ownership neglect". While they were working cleaning in the garden, they've found a shelter in the Civil War.
Today is another day of work! Come and participate!
Today is also a day of work, come and take part! pic.twitter.com/sTdZCIkR0w
— Gaztetxe de Portugalete (@Puerto Gaztetxe) July 5, 2020
Pasa den urriaren 30ean, Portugaleteko Sastraka Gaztetxeko bederatzi lagun auzipetu zituzten. Handik egun batzuetara Portugaleteko kaleak hartu zituzten hainbat lagunek gaztetxearen defentsan. Bi egun geroago, fiskalak karguak kendu zituen.
Isabelle Pargade Hazparneko auzapezak ofizialki eman dizkio Ttattola gaztetxeari lokal berriaren gakoak. Bien arteko negoziaketa luze batzuen ondorio da.