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Failures, studies, edible forests

  • When I started this journey, I was imagining from a romantic point of view the edible forests: walking between trees, tasting succulent fruits, smelling flowers -- but the edible forests have a lot of thorns, failures, errats -- Today I'm going to remember some of those failures that have offered me beautiful studies.

14 April 2024 - 20:33
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

What I come to share with you is the experience of the process of creating the edible forest of the Olabe farmhouse. There, along with the Attard Mathews, we started creating an edible forest of 1,300 square meters in winter 2021, with 40 species of trees and bushes planted. Here are some mistakes that have given me lessons from what I have done:

1. Planting trees too much together

The excessive association of trees is a classic when it comes to creating an edible forest. On a Sunday morning, the head is heated and trees are introduced, sometimes without planning, sometimes with queuing. The result is often that trees are planted too much together. Although in the early years trees grow little, one day they will occupy a large space in the forest.

The solution is to make a plane before you start planting, even if it's a pen and a piece of paper. For space sizing, draw the diameters of the trees to scale, represented in the round. The most important factors for tree growth are foot, species, variety and environmental adaptation. Ask well and report on the growth (both in width and height) of purchased trees to prevent them from being shipped to the wood.

2. Do not plan grass control

In the climate of Euskal Herria the herb grows dramatically, especially in spring and fall. We must always keep in mind a control plan. It is also advisable to keep the back of the trees covered in organic material (straw, wool, cardboard, wood chips...).

There are three ways to control the grass (no glyphospates, of course): cutting, grazing animals or fully covering the flight. If you're going to cut grass, keep in mind that you'll have to take the mower for a walk and that it takes work, so it controls the size of the forest.

If you're going to have to eat animals, keep in mind that you have to protect the trees. To do so, electricity grids (if trees are in rows) or isolated trees shall be protected, especially when small. Sheep are the most viable animals for edible forests.

Finally, covering the whole land is viable only in small forests. To do this, use wood chips, wool, gravel or any other organic material.

3. Excessive initiation

Sometimes the problem is to start working out of fear. However, when we start, it is difficult to widen the system from a small and gradual point of view. When you start too big, the different herbs and jobs for the second year discourage you. Take quiet, start small!

You have to have the destination planned, the edible forest that we want it to be. The easiest thing is to start planting in rows.

4th. Try to do it just

The edible forests are for enjoying and living with those around them. Share the idea and try to push the project forward with someone, it's always more delicious. But if loneliness doesn't move you, if you want, it's possible to act alone.

5. Lack of knowledge of trees

Fruit trees have many secrets: pruning, pollination, size, variety, environmental adaptations -- and it's impossible to know them well. Sharing practices, readings and experts will bring you knowledge. Don't despair, keep up.

A process is the one proposed by the forest, to start the experience, to experience the failures and, consequently, to renew the studies. This is the forest, this is life.

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