The Department of Education of the Government of Navarra has organised the days around the Skolae programme in Pamplona, Tudela and Bertiz. They want to reclaim sexual and emotional education and give teachers and parents tools to the pornography prevalent among young people. You've remembered that porn is fiction, it responds to a powerful capitalist industry and normalizes risky practices and perpetuates gender stereotypes.
The day of June 6 is the last of three in Basque, at 16:00 in Bertiz. Professor Ane Sofedo, member of Ibai Fresnedo Hiruki Larrox, will talk about emotional education and possession of her own way, will share feminist sex education in the talk of Ane Ortiz Emaize, member of the sexological center, and will talk about the importance of talking about sexuality with her children.
ARGIA spoke with Amaia Lopez de Armentia about his speech:
"We must be aware that children's sexuality has its own characteristics and different from other stages of life"
Let's talk about sexuality is your speech to our children. Are we still talking about sexuality?
We came from the educational model that went on to avoid the issue, the tobacco model, silence, prohibition... Then we move on to a more permissive model. Now our challenge is a model of recognition of sexuality with a human dimension that deserves to be cultivated. You learn how to work sexuality by talking. Families and teachers have to take a step and talk about sexuality.
He talks, how old and how?
From the first moment: keeping the skin in contact with the skin, encouraging adhesion, talking about family and partner diversity... We will respond to the curiosity of children respecting their evolutionary development. We must be aware that children's sexuality has its own characteristics and different from other stages of life. But sexuality doesn't start in adolescence.
Is it easier for us to delegate this issue to school?
The responsibility lies with the whole community. The family in the early years, the school later, the health system, the media...
One of the objectives of the days is to offer other looks to porn. Is porn the benchmark of young people?
Pornography is a reality among many young people. And it's clear that the purpose of porn is not to educate. On the contrary, sexual education aims for children and adolescents to know each other, accept and develop relationships based on good treatment, be critical of the model and misinformation offered by violent pornography or mainstream. The challenge is to ensure comprehensive sexuality education, as mandated by international organizations.
Many times when talking about sex with adolescents there is talk about the risks of sex, prevention… and not so much pleasure, especially in the case of girls.
We have to have a more positive and broader view, and in addition to risk and prevention, we have to foster a pleasant experience and expression of sexuality. Erotize the good treatment in men, women, people with functional diversity, whether or not they are partners, whatever the tendency to desire… and in all stages of life. That's why we talk about sexualities in the plural.
Young people start consuming pornography before, as porn is their only sex education. How on earth have we come here?
Today, it has to be acknowledged that thanks to the Internet it is much easier to see pornography. Unfortunately, through a click, the 7-9 year-old boy comes to... [+]
Zamora, late 10th century. On the banks of the Douro River and outside the city walls the church of Santiago de los Caballeros was built. The inside capitals of the church depict varied scenes with sexual content: an orgy, a naked woman holding the penis of a man… in the... [+]