Among other things, EiTB has been responsible for collecting data from what happened in images.
The political authorities, accompanied by the Delegate of the Government in the Basque Country, Jesús Loza, and the Port Authority of Pasaia, Félix Garciandia, opened the walking route between Trintxerpe and Herrera on Wednesday morning.
The Badian Bizi platform has focused on protesting the pollution and dirt they support in the area where they live. They have often denounced that some port activities damage their health and the great fire that took place three months ago at a pier has led to the anger of many neighbours and neighbours.
The kick of Félix Garciandia
According to EiTB and Vocento, it has been the person who has retired from the platform and has approached politicians to throw the cement powder at them after a silent concentration. At that time, as you can see from the images, Garciandia has kicked him and he has responded by saying: "I didn't stick to you."
It has subsequently been intercepted by a bodyguard, who has been arrested by the fire brigade. The Ertzaintza has arrested the citizen charged with an offence of aggression against an agent of the authority.
Ostegunean Pasaiako portuan, Lezoko aldean piztutako suteak, aire kalitatean zuzenean eragin zuen, bereziki Pasaian, Lezon, Oreretan eta baita Donostian ere. 11:00 aldera, Pasaiako portuan biltzen den txatarra zama batek su hartu zuenean hasi ziren arazoak. Erakundeetatik... [+]
Lau ordu behar izan zituzten sua itzaltzeko. Gauean ere suhiltzaileak txatarra hozten jarraitu zuten.
Macarena Olona estatuko abokatuak eta portuko aholkulariak iazko apirilean salatu zuen fiskaltzaren aurrean Pasaiako portuko lonjaren eraikuntzan balizko ustelkeria kasua. Espainiako Estatu mailan indarrean daude ere beste hamar portutako ustelkeria kasuen ikerketak.
Zamaketariek greba egingo zutela iragarri zuten egunean blogean idatzitako artikuluaren itzulpena da hau. Otsailaren 15ean Espainiako Gobernuak atzeratu egin du erreforma eta langileek greba bertan behera utzi dute. Askoren ustez, langileen garaipena izan da, baina Gobernuak... [+]