The attack took place following the pasacalles organized by Cées Esku Dago in the context of the Tour de France in Irun. At the end of the pasacalles, the three women approached a group of ertzaines and asked about a place to eat.
Naiz has noticed the whole interview from the women's mouths (we publish the interview only in Basque, but the Ertzainas at all times spoke in Spanish) and have also spoken in Antxeta irratia.
The day before yesterday, in response to the call of Zion Esku at 12, we were in Irun with the ikurrina, a friend, my daughter and I. It was a few and a half hours and we started looking for a place to eat. There were two Ertzainas up to Ficoba, and we asked them about a banner there.
"There it is behind," one said.
"But they just give it to take it home," the other.
"Do you not know Basque? I asked them.
"Be Basque, but I have no intention of using it," one.
"This is what the Basque police are doing," I.
"I'm not a Basque policeman, I'm a Spanish policeman," always the same Ertzainas.
We were left with stone.
"You don't know Basque," my daughter said.
He came and threatened him. " Be better in Basque than you and I have EGA. You just have to go and do what you have to do here and take it by the stern."
Then I said (Spanish): "Are you going to give me your identification badge? ".
"This is my number," he responded by showing the middle finger of his hand.
"And take the pop," for the second time.
More people came up. And we went.
"Poloniar bat etortzen bada eta bost urte pasako baditu proiektu batean, joder agian ez zaio egoki irudituko seme-alabek euskaraz ikastea, ezta?", bankuko lehendakari Anton Arriolak adierazi duenez. Euskalgintzako eragileek gogor kritikatu dute eta esandakoa... [+]
Ba al dakizue frantses batzuk harritu egiten direla mugaren alde honetan ere euskaldunak bagaudela jakitean? Ba bai, harrigarria bada ere, behin, Donostian, frantses batzuei entzun nien sinetsi ezinik beren buruari galdetzen: “Saint-Sébastien est au Pays... [+]
Gasteizko 1 zenbakiko Auzitegi Kontentzioso-Administratiboak emandako epaia berretsi du EAEko Justizia Auzitegi Nagusiak. Lan poltsan parte hartzeko euskara maila altuenaren baliokide diren 3. eta 4. eskakizunak indargabetu zituen Gasteizko Auzitegiak.
Euskal Herrian Euskarazen arabera, Tolosako tren geltokiko segurtasun agente batek eraso egin zion militante bati, agenteari euskaraz hitz egiteko eskatu ziolako. Tolosako alkateak "kezka" adierazi du eta azalpenak eskatuko dituela jakinarazi.
Euskalgintzaren Kontseiluak eta Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiko langileak elkarretaratzea egin dute langileen egonkortzearen eta euskalduntzearen alde.