The process of recognition and redress of police victims will take another important step: The Police Victim Assessment Commission will recognize in its annual report 66 other victims of serious human rights violations. Among them, Joxi Zabala. This Monday, 30, this report will be presented to the Committee on Human Rights, Equality and Justice of the Basque Government.
The document has made public that Joxi Zabala suffered the “tremendous episode of kidnapping, forced disappearance, torture and murder” carried out by the GAL. With regard to the case of Joxean Lasa, it does not provide any other information, as his family submitted the report late. But the document says that the deadlines will be reopened, as dozens of cases have been left without a declaration for late submission. Therefore, recognition of Lasa as a victim is not ruled out.
66 persons who will be recognized as victims of serious human rights violations, of which seven were killed by the police or by some “far-right” group; one was raped and beaten to death thereafter; 49 were tortured in police stations; four were shot and one was wounded with rubber balls; three people were seriously wounded by blows. In total, compensation to victims amounts to EUR 1,614,007.
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