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The Socialist Movement denounces police persecution and requests for collaboration

  • Two members of the Socialist Movement denounce continued persecution by the police. The judicial proceedings they had opened have offered support to the militants in the face of possible damages that may affect them in the future, with the aim of obtaining information in exchange for the Socialist Movement and proposing to cooperate.
Ikasle Abertzaleak-en kartela, martxoan egindako ikasle grebara deituz. Bertan identifikatu zuten Poliziak jazarritako Mugimendu Sozialistako kideetako bat (Argazkia: Ikasle Abertzaleak)

05 December 2022 - 13:10
Last updated: 14:27
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The Socialist Movement denounces the continued persecution of two militants by the police. They report that in order to obtain information about the Socialist Movement, in recent months the two persecuted members have suffered "continuities, calls, messages, requests for collaboration, lies, threats, blackmail, etc. ".

The testimony of two persecuted militants is recorded in video. The first contact of the police with them was made with excuses: one of the two militants was identified in Vitoria-Gasteiz in view of the alleged theft of a bicycle and the other was identified in Zarautz due to the alleged disappearance of a woman. All recent complaints would come with these identifications.

According to the exposition in the identification of Vitoria, five minutes after his identification appeared "a person who theoretically works in the court", who told him that he had opened a judicial process and that this could have negative consequences. Having said that, he offered him help. "The next day we stayed for coffee and made it clear that I had more information about myself." He explains that although they did not stay at all, in a couple of weeks he started sending messages over the phone, proposing a new date. "In view of his intention, I decided to interrupt any contact, but even though I made that decision trying to contact me by calling on several occasions." He appeared on his home portal because he did not attend to him and then proposed to collaborate, "arguing that for his help I owed him information". He points out that the police also tried to get scared.

The member identified in Zarautz was arrested by two street dresses. He explains that after the release of the ID, an alert was sent to the facility and another police officer was to come. "When that other ertzaina came, it made clear to me from the beginning that I wanted me to talk to him about the pickets that occurred on March 24." That day a student strike took place, and the member of the Socialist Movement was maintained and identified on the campus of Vitoria. The newly arrived police invited him to coffee, but the young man told him the next day he would not speak. After a few days the police called him over the phone and in this case he also began to blackmail with future problems to get a date. "I told him I would stay with just one lawyer (...) but the next day, very close to my house, he came to me." He explains that he then saw him for the last time and sent him the same thing he was told on the phone: only if he was with a lawyer would he make the appointment.

Informs about the question of members identified in Vitoria: In particular, the police asked him about the UIB Forces Union and the AI Nationalist Students. "I wanted to know what is organized at university," he said.

The aim of police persecution is to "put obstacles in the way of political militancy not getting worse, dissolved and not growing" in the eyes of the Socialist Movement, as they pointed out in their appearance to denounce harassment. "We want to say that we will stand firm in the face of this practice that we consider absolutely despicable," they announced.

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