There is a new battered party at the end of the Jaca demonstration in France. Among them is a journalist, named Julien, who has been disfigured by a police grenade. It is Le Média Pour Vous, an independent media that has been arrested. The accident has been known thanks to the video that Sputnik has put on the media network.
#SputnikVidéo | La vidéo montrant le moment où un homme portant une insigne PRESS a reçu un jet de projectile sur son masque, le blessant sérieusau visage #🚫 Italie Pour
— Sputnik France (@sputnik_fr) November 16, 2019
en savoir plus : #acte53 #Paris #ActeLI
A police grenade had approached him as he was following the Yacarés demonstration on Saturday in Vitoria. The young journalist has announced that he is going to file a complaint, although he acknowledges that he sees very little chance of the police being charged and convicted: “I will denounce it because it has to be put in place, but I know they will tell me that the cameras of the city were shut down, that there were too many devastating gases or that those sent have not been identified...” He says he has evidence that it has been a grenade, because when he received the grenade he was rolling and has at his disposal videos of what happened. Some witnesses claim that it would be a type of GLI F4 grenade.
Despite receiving a great visit on social media, the French media did not even mention it. All the major media took some time to comment thoroughly on the destruction of the bus stations, windows and highways. The absence of citations of this police violence is one of the clearest examples of the non-neutral follow-up of the French media in relation to the movement of these Warriors.
The 53rd meeting of the movement, begun a year ago, was held on Saturday in several cities in Paris and France. The social movement that brings thousands of citizens together is that of Jaka, a movement that has set aside the classic model of organization and has flourished from the base, bringing novelties to the burden of the forms of struggle. The French Government responds with repression.
Herria eliteen aurka. Edo beharbada errealitate konplexuagoa, historiaren barrunbeetan sartzen zarenean. Horrela islatzen dute Éric Vuillarden liburuek. 2017an Frantziako letren saririk handiena, Goncourt saria jaso zuen L’Ordre du jour liburuarengatik.
The movement of the Yellow Vests, as soon as it was lifted, was condemned to shut down. There it goes. It seemed that I would get nothing. Because he rebelled against a simple tribute? Or because it didn't pose a serious redistribution of rewards and riches? Now the discourse is... [+]