When they began to make the way for what the Basque law on the rights of LGBTI people will be, many LGBTI+ movements and militants joined the initiative until the Police (Gaylespol Police Association) entered the process. “Many of us express our rejection and indignation at the involvement of the Police in such a space, because we wanted to maintain the critical spirit of our collective. The police have been and continues to be the armed arm of the cysheterosexual, colonial and capitalist regime. The same arm that shot Francis, who tried to suppress the Stonewall sisters, who in Euskal Herria have committed so many tortures and evictions that he has punished sex workers and criminalizes racialized people,” says Fresnedo.
“We asked to rethink the involvement of the police and rethink the punitive model that was implicit in the process. But we were told that the right and the freedom to participate in a space like this belongs to everyone, you cannot veto anyone. With that ‘inclusive’ and ‘liberal’ discourse, we were not fooled.”
It has also accused the other associations present at the Centre of falling into the grip of what they criticise after criticising pinkwashing. “Pride is not to overtake peers and make deaf ears to their demands.”