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Those affected will bring the actions of the infiltrated police to the Constitutional Court.

  • The infiltrations of police officers in social movements under false identities will reach the Constitutional Court of Spain. Irídia-Centre per la Defensa dels Drets Humans, together with the group of people affected by these infiltrations Acció Contra l 'Espionatge d' Estat, has filed an amparo appeal to denounce that no investigation has been carried out on serious violations of fundamental rights by policemen infiltrated in political and social spaces in Barcelona.

Ezkerrean, D. H. P. agentea, Avilako polizia akademian; eskuinean, 2021-22 artean egin zituen tatuajeekin. La Directa

14 January 2025 - 06:50
Last updated: 12:28
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

P.M.D. The remedy of amparo has been filed by the lawyers of six women affected by the action of the infiltrated police, by denying justice the violation of rights on three occasions – the Prosecutor’s Office, the Examining Court No. 21 of Barcelona and the Provincial Court of Barcelona. The Centre Irídia has denounced that these legal resolutions "do not comply with the obligation to completely ban torture and other inhuman or degrading treatment as defined by international human rights standards". Furthermore, it added that it puts "at risk the effective protection of human rights" and reinforces the "impunity of the authorities" that are responsible for these practices. He says that the Court and the Tribunal have spoken to the Prosecutor's Office's address, which has argued that investigating the case "may jeopardize the security of the State": "A supposed security problem is prioritised more than our fundamental rights," he added.

P.M.D. The police action has been revealed by Directo. The lawyers of those affected have stated that their actions, including those of other infiltrates published by Gabriel Redín and El Salto, "seriously affect the dignity, sexual freedom and political participation of those affected and criminalize social movements". The police, through affective sexual relations, created a framework of trust with the militants, which allowed them to obtain information about them and other groups. In addition, the lawyers claim that this is a police method "organized and ordered by the Ministry of the Interior, or at least protected by it".

Opening of the documentary Infiltrats

In this context, the documentary Infiltrats, produced by 3Cat in collaboration with Directo and Polar Star Films, has been released. The documentary tells of how they discovered four National Policemen infiltrated in the social movements of the Catalan countries, how they affected people and groups around the world, the lack of political will to investigate what happened and the need to discuss the legitimacy of these operations.

The documentary has been broadcast on the program 30 minuts, of the 3Cat television network. It can be seen in full in: Infiltrats.

In this documentary they have gathered precisely the great M.I.T. a striking passage related to the police case. As you can see from the images, activist Óscar Campos, who has been an infiltrated police couple for three years, calls him over the phone to tell him he's been discovered. Instead of ending the call, the police continue to talk to Campos. The complete interview was collected by Redín in 2023 and it is part of it that is included in the documentary.

"The recognition of an infiltrate and the errors in the operations have unleashed the government's opacity," notes the title of the report on the interview broadcast by the Catalan journalist.

3Cat, for his part, has uploaded the phrase to social media. Here's the video.

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