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They find Polio in Gaza waters and there is a great risk of the epidemic spreading

  • High concentrations of the polio virus have been found in the dirty waters next to the Palestinian refugee camps. UNICEF warns that there is a good chance of a "disaster".
Egun Gazako gehiengo handia lekualdatzera behartua izan da, eta errefuxiatu zelaietan pilatuta ari dira bizirauten ehunka mila palestinar. Irudia: Al Jazeera

24 July 2024 - 09:25
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The Gaza Ministry of Health and UNICEF, the UN children's agency, have found the pole in the Gaza Strip with impressive population density. Thousands of Palestinians are at risk of being infected with a disease that can cause paralysis in the Gaza Strip. The virus has been located in the dirty waters of the camps where refugees reside in the shops. Without any channeling, "contaminated water circulates between the tents of the camp", which could contaminate the area, according to the Ministry.

The Israeli Army has created the conditions for spreading the epidemic with genocide in the Gaza Strip. Most of the possibilities for clean water have been destroyed, as have the sinks of dirty water, and the possibility of drinking water is very limited. In addition, all hospitals are destroyed or with very low activity, as a result of attacks by Zionists. The Gaza and Deir el-Balah authorities in central Gaza foresee that “the streets will be filled with wastewater” and that “the disease will spread” as they have not been able to maintain in operation systems for the evacuation of dirty water or treatment plants.

Polio is a "ticking bomb" in the Gaza Strip, pediatrician Tanya Haj-Hassan told Al Yazira. According to the media, in recent weeks only 700,000 people have arrived in the city of Deir el-Balah to protect themselves from Israel’s air strikes. The Zionist army has destroyed “water wells, cleaning centres and waste management” and is making it difficult to introduce basic hygiene products: According to the media, they have created “perfect conditions for the spread of the disease”.

It is not possible to take action in Gaza to protect itself with polio from eta violence. In fact, infected people should be isolated, use a toilet that no one else uses and receive proper medical care.

It is not possible to take action in Gaza to protect itself with polio from eta violence. In fact, infected people should be isolated, use a toilet that no one else uses and receive proper medical care. Today, the vast majority of Gaza has been forced to relocate and hundreds of thousands of Palestinians are overcrowded in refugee camps. There are thousands of children who have not received the polio vaccine, and adults would also need an additional vaccine in this situation, according to pediatrician Haj-Hassan. In this regard, he warned that "it can be catastrophic".

Israel incorporates Zionist soldiers

The Israeli army has already begun to vaccinate its soldiers against polio, according to the Israeli media, Haaretz. The spokesmen of the Israeli Army have said that there are no cases of active polio among the population of Gaza, but that they have no contact with the Gazan Ministry of Health. Most Israeli soldiers have already received the vaccine administered in childhood, but as a "preventive measure" they have started administering another dose, according to the Israeli Minister of Health.

Several sources report that the Israeli plan of genocide included the promotion of diseases in Gaza as part of a campaign to prevent life

Several sources have denounced that the Israeli plan of genocide included the promotion of diseases in the Gaza Strip as part of a campaign to prevent life. In November, for example, a former Israeli military chief publicly declared the creation of an epidemic in Gaza in the hope that it would help Israel achieve victory.

A study conducted in early July by the scientific team The Lancet found that in Gaza nearly 200,000 people could have died as a result of Israeli attacks, including deaths directly and indirectly. One of the main reasons they pointed out was the risk of spreading epidemics.

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