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PODCASTA | Bouba Diouf: "We need the strength of solidarity in order not to leave anyone behind"

  • Bouba Diouf has referred to the difficulties experienced by migrants during the pandemic, the influence of the absence of papers, and the laws and policies they have on the most vulnerable: “Human rights should be above all.” He is a member of the Association of Senegalese street traders Mbolo Moye Doole of Bilbao and the INOR EZ DA ILEGALA project.

07 December 2020 - 08:00

Listen to the full session:







See in this link the interview by journalist Mikel García to Bouba Diouf.




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2024-06-19 | Estitxu Eizagirre
How to revitalize the local fair? Bergara's experience
In Bergara, the Food Bureau has been set up, from which various actions are being taken to strengthen the local market and to work on the relief of the baserritars. The horticulturist Jon Ruiz de Egino, a member of the Eskubaratz project, is part of the Food Table. And the... [+]

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