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PODCAST 2x7 | Black day when French police killed Algerians and threw them into the Seine River

  • Sixty years have passed since the massacre in Paris. Between 20,000 and 40,000 Algerians left peacefully to proclaim the independence of Algeria, a colony of France, and to demand an end to the curfew aimed at the Algerians. In front of them they received terrible repression: missing, dozens and possibly hundreds of deaths, 12,000 detainees, nearly 2,000 expelled to Algerian detention camps and hundreds of hospitalized. Little by little, light is being shed on an event that France has kept secret for decades. On the path of recognition and reparation, victims and their descendants want the “state crime” to be recognised.
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2024-06-19 | Estitxu Eizagirre
How to revitalize the local fair? Bergara's experience
In Bergara, the Food Bureau has been set up, from which various actions are being taken to strengthen the local market and to work on the relief of the baserritars. The horticulturist Jon Ruiz de Egino, a member of the Eskubaratz project, is part of the Food Table. And the... [+]

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