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PODCAST 2x2 | New mines around Europe arrive here

  • The World Bank estimates that the Earth will have to extract 3 billion tons of minerals in the transition to ‘green’ energy and technology needed to combat climate change. The search for this pile of minerals also brings us to the inhabitants of the rich West, where mining has become a priority. Irish gold mines show us how the conflict comes.
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2024-06-19 | Estitxu Eizagirre
How to revitalize the local fair? Bergara's experience
In Bergara, the Food Bureau has been set up, from which various actions are being taken to strengthen the local market and to work on the relief of the baserritars. The horticulturist Jon Ruiz de Egino, a member of the Eskubaratz project, is part of the Food Table. And the... [+]

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