The Strategic Plan for Sustainable Tourism of Plentzia was approved by the Plenary of the City Council of May 2021 with the favorable votes of the government team and the abstention of EH Bildu. "After analyzing the document, we saw that he was suspected of having copied the Sopelana plan and asked the tourism councilor to clarify this point," the members of the Abertzale coalition said in a video to explain what happened. They also recall that Sopelana published its Strategic Tourism Plan in 2019.
In response to the request for clarification, the video shows the answer given by the tourism councilor Iñaki Saez de la Fuente, which explains that it is common to make comparisons of different documents and strategies in this type of report. However, the Councilor indicates that the review of the document will be assessed with the technical team. In addition, the tourism councilor also highlights the attitude of EH Bildu: "I would like your party (EH Bildu) to support this municipality's first sustainable tourism plan."
Members of the Abertzale coalition have reported that they subsequently also made an official request to compare both plans, but the councillor replied that he expressed it at the plenary session on 27 May 2021.
As proof of this, the members of EH Bildu de Plentzia have turned to a computer program to compare the two documents of Sopelana and Plentzia: "Thanks to this software we can demonstrate that the Strategic Plan of Sustainable Tourism of Plentzia is plagiarism in 82.9% of the document Strategic Plan of Tourism of Sopelana". They therefore call on the drafting company Itxasseco and the tourism councillor to take responsibility.
? The tourism plan of #Plentzia|written by the company Itxasseco is plagiarized in 82.9% with the tourism plan of #Sopela|. ? Explanatory video: ?
— EH Bildu Plentzia (@EHBilduPlentzia) May 26, 2022
More information:
“How to value the quality of the coastal beach, with a unique natural environment, a estuary and marshes of great singularity (cliffs and geological formations)” in CLIFFS AND GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS Plentzia? Copy risk
— David Crestelo (@krextelius) May 26, 2022
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