The revitalization of the communal lands of Isuskitza is a history of collaboration and participation, a joint initiative of residents of Plentzia, together with the City Hall, for the recovery of the environment and public lands owned by the municipal authorities. Land of public domain of Isuskitza. The book Past and Future presents the field work and the studies carried out so far, with the contribution of nine authors from different fields. The results of research can be found in fields such as biology, history or ecology, explaining in detail the Isuskitza project.
The first part of the book presents the People's Lurrak Society of Plentzia and explains the work done so far in Isuskitza. It all started in 2016, when a group of neighbors and the City of Plentzia invented 22 communal lands of different sizes and types. Subsequently, the possible uses of these lands of municipal appropriation, used for years for the forest exploitation of eucalyptus and pine began to be investigated. In order to give a new ecological and social use to these areas, the first steps were taken in Isuskitza, planting oak trees on 15 hectares of municipal property adjacent to the urbanization.
They say that in the historical archive it is intended to repopulate the stand based on the ordinances of the 18th century, from where in the past the oak wood used for the shipyards of Plentzia was extracted, as well as full wood. This forest would bring significant benefits to the Plentzia and the environment: significantly reducing the risk of fires, improving soil richness, increasing carbon sinks, supplying the sea of food and reducing the negative impact of rains, such as landfill.
To replant the oak forest, students from the school and the Plentzia Institute were approached, with the aim of involving the youngest generations of the town in the project. Thus, the young people were responsible for planting the seeds they cultivated and then putting them in the nurseries of Isuskitza. In addition, during these years various auzolans and activities have been organized with the aim of informing and involving citizens about the recovery project of the indigenous forest of Isuskitza.
Another of the field projects described in the book is the experimental edible forest of Isuskitzamendi. In the intervention carried out this year, the surroundings of the summit have been broadened and native fruit trees have been planted by the Seed Network according to the criteria of the landscape artist Marta Zelaia. Thus, in Isuskitzamendi they have created circles of different species to create a balanced agricultural system, cost-effective for the environment and for society.
In addition, in the book, historian and geographer Josune Rotaetxe Arrizabalaga, born in a hamlet of Isuskitza, tells the history of the last century of these lands, just as in the fifties of the nineteenth century, businessman Olaguibel bought the lands and repopulated them with settlers of Gipuzkoa, creating a fruitful exploitation. Then they sold those lands and killed the current urbanization.
In addition, several people have participated in the book Isuskitza herri lurrak: Mikel A. The geologist López explains the project of geobotanical recovery of the forests of Abiña Meandro in the upper estuary of the Butroi River; Patxi Galé exposes the project of the historical-didactic forest from the point of view of mountaineering; Biologist Iñigo Zarandona describes the biodiversity of the communal lands of Isuskitza and their importance, describing the difference between the forests of euphoria
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