The images introduce the reader directly into the corners of Zizurkil, the world of the time of Plazida Otaño. And the texts of Oihana Iguaran explain very well the game with the bertso, the male that bertsolaris feel from a young age. In the presentation, Iguaran explained that "in this book we have done the exercise of giving the place that corresponds to pleasure. We don't have big data about their environment, and only two bertsos have come to this day. I have referred to pleasure, irremediably fictitious. And this seemed a little bit puzzled to me. In any case, I am very happy with what I have done and although it is a great word, I believe that this book does justice to Pleasure.”
In the book, the lying letters indicate which verses are the verses that Plazida truly sang and which were created by Iguaran on his cover. In the end, the book recognizes its intention: "This story has tried to give the floor to Plazida, it was the baby who came to light, it was the plazandrea who was dedicated to regain pleasure, to offer the corresponding plaza. A testimony that the woman could not be bertsolari, so that the voice of then and of after would be the same."
To listen to the entire presentation of the book, Ataria radio has picked it up. Iguaran’s exciting voice begins by singing Plazida’s well-known bertso.
The Plazida Otaño library will send a book to the interested houses of Zizurkil and along with it will receive an illustration signed by both authors. A copy has also been sent to other libraries in Gipuzkoa for dissemination of the Figure of Pleasure.
And it's available at 10 euros for everyone you want, at: The Plazida Otaño library (to which you can call or write those who live far away), the Basajaun library of Billabona, the Anti library of Bilbao and the post of the Bertsozale association in the Durango Fair.
To learn more about pleasure, see article published by ARGIA.
Kristina Mardaras, beste gauza askoren artean, bertsolaria da. Euskal Herriko Bertsolari Txapelketa Nagusian parte hartu zuen lehen emakumea izan zelako da ezagun, bertso munduan. Baina, baita hamaika bertso-saiotako antolatzaile eta entzule gisa ere. Izan ere, plaza utzi zuen,... [+]