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Plateruena will host the 50 concerts of Ahotsenea

  • Ahotsenea's concerts of this year's Durango Fair will be offered at the Plateruena Theatre. A total of 50 concerts will be offered between 4 and 8 December. The entrance shall be free until the capacity is complete.
Kai Nakai (Argazkia: Durangoko Azoka)

11 November 2021 - 09:39
Last updated: 10:51

56. Musicians will offer live concerts at the Durango Fair, which is held in the Ahotsenea space of Durango. This year the concerts will be at the Plateruena, as to do so a café will be set up at the Arriaga theatre. As usual, musicians who have presented some work in Basque in the last year have had the opportunity to participate in the program. In total, there will be 50 groups who will be on the stage of Plateruena, and the offer will be very varied. In addition to the different musical styles, the programme will bring together new and long-standing groups.

The concerts will be between 4 and 8 December, from 11:00 to 22:00 hours. Each group will have one hour and will broadcast live streaming on the web For concerts there will be no need to reserve a place and the entrance will be free until the capacity is completed.

In addition to the concerts, the Durango Fair will have a multidisciplinary program: tertulias, screenings, performing arts, children's shows, events... The full programme will be presented on 22 November at the Zarzuela Palace.

This will be the program of the Plateruena concerts:

4 December: Offices, Eneritz Furyak, Habia, Serge, Kaserna, Katez, Rolan Garcés & Bandatze, Anita Parker, Addar and Anari.

5 December: Diabolo Kiwi, Lur Jota, Larrealde Trikitilariak, Kilimak, Skakeitan, Nikotina, Fufu, Kai Nakai, Sueder and Lotura.

6 December: Trigger, Jabi Patxon & Kofradia Beltza, Bixente Martinez, Hibai, Iker Martinez and Zaldi Herrenak, Bengo, McOnak, Etxekalte + Habi,Iheskide and Jiel.

7 December: Equino, Compost, Inexpressible, Willis Drummond, Vinyl Ridin' Rocket, Aviation, Estitxu, Wood Strings, Onki Xin and Hypnosis.

8 December: HRH, Birkit, Astoturfer, Nahiak Nahi, Liher, Klak!son, Giante, Madeleine, Screamers and Sinners and Errietan.

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