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The training project in activism for young women of African origin in Navarra

  • The Doctor of the World has launched the "transformative" project, with continuous training to help women of African descent in Navarre and to train in activism.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

06 September 2024 - 10:49
Kami Magassa eta Jaione Eugi PiztuPower proiektuaren aurkezpenean. Argazkia: Euskalerria Irratia.

In Bizkaia a project has been launched to offer support, learning and experiences to the generation of women descendants of Africa Navarra. It has carried out it, organized by the World Doctor, through the collaboration of the Innova Program, promoted by the Caja Navarra Foundation and the Fundación 'la Caixa'. On the axis is the empowerment of the women who make up the Black Power group. Black Power President Kami Magassa stressed that “the acquisition of tools is essential to strengthen their identity and to cope with stereotypes.”

The group consists of about twenty people and are young people of African descent between 13 and 22 years old, daughters of women from the Flor de África association. Magassa explained that since they were young they have received information in the background, and now, from their experiences and positions as active young people, they want to reclaim and provoke change. To do this, the #Apple Power project aims to train women through a partnership that will develop over three years. As explained by Jaione Eugi, project technician, “these are special formations to work activism.”

Sexual and reproductive rights are the main theme of intensive training, but the project is not limited to training. In fact, in the second year they will carry out an artistic project in collaboration with the Huarte Contemporary Art Centre. To carry out artistic activism, work will be done on any artistic discipline.

Finally, the third year, once basic training has been received, the final course will focus on how to make political impact on networks and how to participate in them. Being a companion and paying attention will be the latest functions of the initiative so that the Black Power can act on its own as an organization. Creating networks of mutual help, representing their community and always breaking prejudice.

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