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The Fire of the Small Revolutions

  • The Small Revolutions Camp began this Wednesday at the home of the defenders of the Artea Forest. Hundreds of people have been discharged to enjoy a program that will extend until Sunday in Bilbao.

26 August 2021 - 02:15
Argazkia: ARGIA

Before food, citizens have begun to reach Basoa, where many corners of the Basque Country have arrived. By then the three conference spaces (Building together; Reflecting together; Fighting together), the txosna, the camping spaces or camper, the kitchen, the stage and others were already prepared.

Act of receipt

The Small Revolutions Camp (ITA) has been officially inaugurated at the reception of the lehendakari. About 80 people, attracted by the txalaparta, have gathered around the center to which various symbols of the struggle belonged. Having chanted a bertso by three young Bertsolaris from the left margin, several speakers welcomed the attendees. A neighbor of the Arratia region has spoken explaining the characteristics of the region and uncovering the main struggles and movements that exist: agroecological, welcoming, youth or feminism, among others. Two members of the forest defenders' house have explained the main axes of the project that the camp has taken. Basoa is a welcome home for entrepreneurs around the world who “have life at risk for defending land and rights” and a space to rethink activism from practice. Thirdly, two representatives of the ITT have recalled the objectives of the camp. From Thursday to Sunday, ITA wants to become the meeting point for entrepreneurs from all over the Basque Country. Promoting the interrelationship and complicity between different, deepening the radicality, practicing the “Good Living based on happiness and justice”.

“Believe, do, act with radicalism”

The event was attended by two audios in the Multibox room. The political prisoner Itziar Moreno, imprisoned in Roazhon prison in Brittany, welcomed the attendees to the camp, congratulated the organizers and defended the need to fight. "We believe, we do, we act radically. Falling from the bank to the center, the prisoners, the trans, the immigrants, the baserritars, the sluts, the indigenous will fly and we will build a new Basque Country".

Then it was the turn of the coplas written by bertsolari Etxaun Lekue for ITA. While the music bertsos were being heard from the sound team, adaxtes have been distributed among the participants, helping first to set fire to each other, and then, with the sum of all the smaller fires, a large fire has been ignited. The act has been closed with a collective hug, after the coplas have been sung among all.
Hundreds of inscriptions

On Wednesday afternoon, three round tables were held at the ITT: Experiences of transformative social economy; Feminist challenges and practices in the responsibility of our racism; The formation and political organization of the Brazilian MST. It was only a beginning, in the coming days 40 talks, screenings, demonstrations, fairs and all kinds of events will be held in the Forest. Varied program, good time and more than 250 inscriptions for each day. Unbeatable conditions to ignite the fire of popular construction.



Photo: LIGHT
Photo: LIGHT
Photo: LIGHT
Photo: LIGHT


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