Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

On Sunday the situation of the dialects of the Pyrenees in Aribe will be analyzed

  • The Pyrenees Dialects Forum has organized a conference to reflect on the treatment and use of the Pyrenees, in the framework of the Gu Pirinioa initiative. The session will take place on 25 April at the Aezkoa House in Aribe.

22 April 2021 - 15:31

The Pyrenees Dialects Forum has begun a process to broaden and analyze the treatment and use of the dialects of the Pyrenees. The forum was set up by the Basque working group set up under the Gu Pirinioa project, concerned about the situation of the Uska in the Pyrenees, as in some valleys they are missing and in others they are about to disappear.

Thus, they organized a day on 25 April in Aribe, in the House of Aezkoa, from 11.00 a.m. There they will meet to gather their opinions and "draw together the future of the Basque dialects", he explained. The treatment of the Basque in each valley, the schools, the learning of the local uskara... A number of issues will be raised to discuss with each other.

As you have explained, external assistance will be available to carry out and invigorate the session and the results of the meeting will be reflected in a report. Can be written to the registration address

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