At the end of 2019, the business group Florian obtained approval for the installation of an industrial sawmill in Lannemezana (Occitania). At the time of the presentation of the project, the need to exploit the beech forests of the entire Pyrenean range to meet the objectives of sawmill was highlighted; 40% of the cuts, for example, were planned in Biarnon and the Northern Basque Country.
Florián had the approval and funding of the main institutions for the presentation of the project. As the intentions of the multinational emerged, many associations and individuals joined the project, which in recent years have worked to disseminate information on the issue and to question the ecological viability of industrial sawmill.
The Touche pas à ma forêt group, formed against the giant sawmill, brings together 40 associations, political parties and other structures, as well as hundreds of citizens. In fact, the location of the project in Lannemezana would affect all the Pyrenean forests. To feed the sawmill, we would have to cut as many hayeds as 1,200 football fields a year.
Therefore, the Florian group has abandoned the project without minimal conditions and with a broad movement against it. On 17 August the Regional Prefecture of the Upper Pyrenees reports this. In fact, the prefetura has pointed out that the multinational has made the decision after hearing the results of an investigation initiated by the State services in 2020.
Josu Estarrona EH Bilduko Arabako senatariak egindako galderari erantzun dio Espainiako Sustapen Ministerioak, eta hor berretsi du Ezkioko aukera zailtasunez beteta dagoela.
Satorralaia plataformak Donostiako Metroaren Mirakontxa-Easo zatiko lanek “%164ko gainkostua” izan dutela salatu zuen joan den astean, eta, horren harira, EH Bilduk gainkostu hori argitzeko eskatu du, Eusko Legebiltzarrean erregistratutako galdera sorta baten bidez.
Elkarretaratzea egin zuen Aiaraldeko Mendiak Bizirik plataformak atzo Laudioko Lamuza plazan, Mugagabe Trail Lasterketaren testuinguruan.
Satorralaia plataformak eman du gainkostuaren berri, informazioa Jaurlaritzari eskatutako txosten batetik aterata. Donostiako metroaren Mirakontxa-Easo zatiaren lanak 53 milioi eurotan esleitu ziren, eta egungo aurrekontua 139,4 milioi eurokoa da. Donostiako metro-pasantearen... [+]
"Gasteiztik egin ezean, ez da egingo", adierazi du PSNren bozeramaile Ramón Alzorrizek. Kontra azaldu dira Geroa Bai, UPN eta PP.