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They will illuminate the Pyrenees to ensure respect for the self-determination of Catalonia and the Basque Country

  • In Elkarlea, the initiative is organised by Céline Esku, the ANC and the Federation of Hiking Companies of Catalonia.

12 July 2021 - 09:31
Last updated: 11:42
Ekimenaren aurkezpena (@Gure_Esku)

As part of the "Pyrenees Route 2022" initiative, more than 400 peaks of this mountain range will be illuminated on 2 July. In the framework of the collaboration between the two peoples, a joint mobilization will be held in defense of the freedom and the right of self-determination of Euskal Herria and Catalonia. Precisely, in view of the attitude of the Spanish State, the organizers see the need to "join forces" and "work together" to reach an agreement: "We share values and objectives, as well as difficulties and obstacles that we want to overcome, through collaboration, collective intelligence and effort," he added.

Our Hand, the ANC and the FEEC Federació d'Ordenação de Treksionistes de Catalunya have made the appointment at the summits and have the collaboration of Omniun Cultural and Artistes of the Republic.

The initiative has been released this weekend via the web



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