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Naturkone presents motions against the fumigation of pines in several municipalities of Gipuzkoa

  • The Naturkon association, which brings together several environmental and naturalist groups, has tabled a motion in several municipalities in Gipuzkoa urging municipalities to ban the fumigation of pine trees with cuprous oxide on their grounds and urging owners and citizens not to use this air treatment.
Hegazkin bat lursailak airetik fumigatzen. (Argazkia: Ecolgistas en Accion)

11 January 2019 - 11:10
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The motion tabled by Naturkone has been promoted by the Eguzki association in one of the municipalities of Gipuzkoa, in that of Errenteria, and they have to be similar to those presented in other houses. The motion explains in its introduction the regrettable situation of forests in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, denouncing that three quarters of their natural forests have been destroyed during these years: "According to data from the latest CAPV Forest Inventory (2016), a huge exploited mass (not forests) has been generated consisting of monocultures of radiata pine and has about 125,000 hectares. To these must be added the 80,000 ha of length of other commercial exotic species. All of them have infected our natural landscapes, causing significant loss of biodiversity in forest ecosystems. A very serious consequence of the current timber policy is that 75% of the natural forests have already disappeared from the territory of the CAPV: oak trees, beech trees, pears, mixed forests, holm oaks, etc. ".

For Naturkone, this strategy is based on the excessive increase in pests of species that have been used, such as pine caterpillar, fusarium or current red or brown tape. The strategy that the authorities have designed to deal with them "provides for the use of kupre oxide (I) against brown and red tape as a fungicide. This can have serious consequences for the environment and public health: wildlife, soils, water and supplies, food crops and the public health of the human population. In addition to destroying the natural fungi and mushroom communities (the fungicide is general and makes no distinction), it affects wildlife, soil, water and supplying water, edible crops and the health of the population."

Naturkone therefore urges the municipalities – in this case Errenteria – to adopt the following specific resolutions:

"1.- The City of Errenteria requests the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa not to conduct any spraying by air in the forest, public or private areas of our municipality, in order to guarantee the protection of water catchments for the Environment, public health and human population.

2.- The City of Errenteria expressly denies the authorization to perform cuprous oxide treatments on the hills of its property.

3.- The City of Errenteria invites the rest of the public institutions of the Basque Country, that is, the Government of Navarra, the Provincial Councils, the Municipalities, the Mancommunities, the Consortia and the Neighbourhood Entities, to do the same in the mountains of their property.

4.- The City Hall of Errenteria also invites the owners of the land of the municipality to refuse, as owners of them, the authorization to spray their plots.

5.- The Municipality of Errenteria does not authorize the application of plant health treatments by aircraft in the municipality.

6.- The City of Errenteria will create a register so that all those who want not to smoke their apartments and their surroundings can register and receive the support of the City Hall. The City Council also advises them on the matter and provides them with the management service on their behalf before the Council.

7.- The City of Errenteria considers that intensive crops of foreign species do not perform protective or nature conservation functions, and it is not appropriate to continue with the cooperation of public media in activities contrary to the declared end of these mountains.

8. Communicate the content of the motion to the media, the Basque Government, the three Foreign Ministers, the Government of Spain and the representative of the timber sector (Baskegur)."

The Naturkon association or coalition consists of the following groups: Itsas Enara OE, Arkamurka NT de Zarautz, Eguzki, NT de Mutriku, NT de Orio Herrio, OE Ugatza, Ekologistak Martxan, NT de Zumaia, NT de Azpeitia Erkaxo, NT de Rukatamara

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