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Pilar Iparragirre, journalist and writer dies

  • He worked in Zeruko Argia, ARGIA, Punto y Horan and Egin, wrote, among other works, the biography of Félix Likiniano and the novel Hilerriko jolasak.

29 November 2022 - 13:00
Last updated: 15:14
Pilar Iparragirre Donostiako Alde Zaharreko Herria tabernan.

Pilar Iparragirre Lazkano dies (Idiazabal, 1952), journalist and writer. He worked in the Light of Heaven, and also received his succession in ARGIA. He also worked in Egin newspaper and Punto y hora magazine. "A leading name in Basque journalism," according to editor Xabier Mendiguren, and "pioneer of Basque journalists," in the words of Amaia Ereñaga, from the Gara newspaper.

Passionate about literature, he wrote the novel The Games of the Cemetery, published in 1988 by the editorial Elkar, and in 1994 Felix Likiniano. Biography of Ezinezko ekinez egina (Txalaparta). He worked in the Politics and Opinion sections of the Egin newspaper until the Civil Guard closed the newspaper in 1998 by order of Judge Baltasar Garzón. In 1998 also Deportation. He published the essay El mal minor (Txalaparta). He also did other work. For example, he translated several children's literature books in the 1980s.

From then on he wrote interviews and book reviews in ARGIA, between otros.Se you can read in Nace Goierritarra, lived in the Old Part of San Sebastian, had a great relationship with the neighborhood and participated in numerous projects. “It was part of the image of the neighborhood,” according to Joseba Álvarez, neighbor of Irutxuloko Hitza. There are few photos of Iparragirre on the internet. The photo that opens to make his death known was to show his support for a project in tribute to Jonpa Albisu, neighbor of the Old Party.

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