Prisoner Pierre Alessandri leaves U Borguko's island jail with a year of trial. He was accused of being part of the command that killed prefect Claude Erignac 20 years ago.
As was the case with Basque prisoners Jakes Esnal, Ion Parot and Xistor Haranburu, a trial period should begin in which they must comply with strict surveillance measures for one year. The Paris Attorney General, Remy Heitz, has announced in a statement his parole for ten years.
"Sure, it's a great peace of mind," Pierre Alessandri's attorney Eric Barbolos explains to the AFP agency. Counsel clarifies that the decision is "a consequence of the strict application of law and law". "For the first time, the judges of the Calling Court have determined the criteria for conditional release," adds Barbolos.
Ghjuvan Filippu Antolini, spokesman for the group of former inmates Patriotti, told the Corse Net portal that the news is "very satisfactory", although it is only a minimal application of French law. He also stressed that without popular mobilization it will be "impossible".
The decision took place a few days before the death of Prefect Erignak 25.urtemuga and ten months after the death of Yvan Colonna sentenced together with Alesandri for the attack.
Ferrand's case
The courts will decide on 23 February on the prisoner Alain Ferrandi, convicted of being a member of the same command. Ferrandi is also a prisoner of U Borgun and was sentenced to life imprisonment.
The decisions taken by the Anti-Terrorist Prosecutor’s Office to block the release of parole from Ferrandi and Alesandri have become, on a political level, an obstacle for the island authorities to engage in dialogue with the French Government. Alessandri’s case can open the door to a similar solution for Ferrandi. In the context of the decision on Alessandri, the French Minister of the Interior, Gérald Damanin, announced that on 6 February he will move to the island "at the request of the president of the Republic". He will participate in the commemoration of Prefect Erignac.
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