According to the CCOO trade union, the company will have to carry out the "immediate" reconstruction of the contracts and pay the wages to be paid. In particular, the regulation affects 354 of the 965 employees of the plant.
The company has announced that it will appeal to the decision of the National Hearing.
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2008ko udan sortu zen Meatzaldea Bizirik elkarte ekologista izen bereko eskualdean, Cokearen Aurkako Koordinadoraren segida modura eta bide batez hari izaera legala emateko. Otsailaren 12rako manifestazioa deitu dute Muskizen, Petronorren ate aurrean, findegiari bertan... [+]
A friend, an energetic woman committed to caring for the planet, has sent me a link: "Athletic and Petronor, the new energy. The aim of this action is to create an energy community that guarantees Athletic fans the supply of sustainable energy consumption." This agreement offers... [+]