Journalist Peter De Vries has died as a result of injuries sustained a few days ago after being shot in central Amsterdam. Specialized in investigative journalism, the identity of the perpetrators of the murder is still unknown, but the police have arrested three people, one of whom has subsequently been released for having nothing to do with the case.
De Vries, well-known in the Netherlands for his long career in the world of investigation, was also the spy of the police and judicial cases. According to several sources, he was currently threatened by the population involved in drug trafficking, but had no escort, according to the same sources.
De Vries was awarded several times, among other things, the 2008 Emmy International Prize at the present time. The journalist was also recognized for a study related to the kidnapping in 1983 of billionaire brewer Freddy Heineken in 2013 and for his relationship with the leader of a mafia network linking the Netherlands with North Africa.
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