According to the ordinance of each municipality, the limitation for the private use of pyrotechnics is different. For example, on the night of 31 December to 1 January in Vitoria-Gasteiz, its use has been authorised between 00:00 and 00:15 (for fifteen minutes) for the celebration of the new year; in Donostia-San Sebastián and Pamplona/Iruña, pyrotechnics are prohibited in public space; and in Bilbao, it is recommended not to use them, but it is not prohibited. In the country itself, I am sure that more than one does not know to what extent the border and the ban, but the truth is that in the evening we will be able to hear and see all kinds of basketers and explosions everywhere, following the trend of previous years.
Pediatricians have pointed this out on more than one occasion: many of those who use nipples and the like are children, often do not use them well, or are defective bitches, and more than one ends up with burns on the hands, head, neck or eyes. It has been alerted to the side effects caused by the introduction and explosion of the firecracker in cans and bottles – shrapnel from there – as well as to the injury known as “Petardo in the hand”, which is that when the firecracker explodes in the hand it has not been released in time.
The firefighters of Bilbao have recalled that year after year they have made numerous interventions in the New Year’s Eve, and have asked for meaning – in places where there are many people, not to use pyrotechnics, not to throw them near people and animals, not to use them in enclosed spaces and green areas… – but anyone can ensure that some of these recommendations are not met. Moreover, the San Sebastian fire service official says that he would not use pyrotechnics, but in case of use, he has given a curious advice: "Bring on top elements of extinction like a fire extinguisher."
Last year, at Errenteria, a rocket caused a fire in a home where it was housed.
Noise victims
Very young children, seniors or people with high sensitivity to sounds, like some of those with autism spectrum disorders, can suffer a lot from the noise, anxiety or fear that occurs that night. We have also frequently listened to dog owners (and other animals), what their pets suffer these nights. According to veterinarians, the auditory system of dogs is much more demanding than that of humans, the sounds are lived with greater intensity, which can cause tachycardia, hyperventilation, tremors, desire to flee…
Also from an environmental and pollution point of view, many do not like this tradition. For this reason, while for some they are the source of celebrations and laughter, critics with the use of flares and so on require more stringent bans and measures.
Martxoaren 2an igandea Iruinkokoak berriz ere Iruñeko karrikak hartu ditu.
Alardean desfilatuta ere honek «herriaren benetazko errealitatea irudikatzen ez zuela» ikusita sortu zen 2019an Guztion Alardea, «herria polarizatua dagoelako, baina ikusten ez den masa gris handia dagoela irudikatu beharra zegoelako». Eneko Gonzalez eta... [+]