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The UN confirms the abusive use of violence by Peru in demonstrations

  • A United Nations report attributes to the Peruvian Government the death of more than 60 people as a result of abuse of violence. There were hundreds injured.

24 May 2023 - 11:59
Last updated: 13:08
Gobernuaren aurkako manifestazioa Liman. Argazkia: NBE.

The UN Special Rapporteur, Clemente Voule, has expressed concern about the high number of deaths in police and military operations of the Peruvian riots: "I was surprised and distressed, excessive violence and excessive violence led to the deaths of protesters and others."

Thus, Voule added that the Peruvian Government must effectively guarantee human rights in the demonstrations and acknowledge the suffering of the victims of the protests.

He also recalls that in December 2022 the Peruvian President, Pedro Castillo, was dismissed and detained after he announced his decision to implement an emergency government. That’s why he was accused of arranging a blow estado.Estos made mobilizations across the country.

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