On Saturday, June 18, the festival Resistencia Migra will be held at the gaztetxe Sastraka in Portugalete. Under the motto "Meet Us To Interact," they've organized an all-day program. According to the organizers, this is an artistic and cultural act that will turn Sastraka into a place to publicize the creations of artists and migratory creators.
The initiative is organised by groups of migrants and racists with a clear objective: To take another step towards the regularisation of citizens living in an irregular situation in the Spanish State. In fact, the initiative aims to promote a #ILPRegulative campaign at state level that regulates the situation of migrants from the Spanish State who wish to benefit from the People's Legislative Initiative in favor of regularization. The campaign consists of collecting 500,000 signatures for submission to parliament and discussing the law on the regularization of foreign persons. According to the organizers, the law would benefit more than half a million people.
Anyone approaching the shrubland will have the opportunity to sign in favour of the campaign and enjoy the cultural offer throughout the day. The program will start with the fair of 12:00 in the morning, at 12:30 a colloquium will be held on Arte migra by the #ILPRegulares, at 15:00 will be able to take strength with popular food, at 18:00 will be a puppet workshop and the concerts will close to the festival. Cristian Vergara, Mawkli, Follow the party and Hijadelnopal will enliven the night of darkening.
The poor management of the Valencian cold drop has led to a change in adverse meteorological alerts, as shown in the first season of "winter". Faced with the threat of rivers overflowing in Hego Euskal Herria, the indications for protection came along several paths, since no... [+]
Gasteizko Errotako (Koroatze) auzoan izan diren manifestazio "anonimoek" kolokan jarri dute auzokoen arteko elkarbizitza. Azalera atera dituzte ere hauetan parte hartu duten partidu politiko batzuen eta beste kide batzuen izaera faxista eta arrazista.