On April 28, a person who faced a fascist on San Prudencio Street in Vitoria-Gasteiz faced him in an act. Pride Cazurro, a member of the fascist group Pride Cazurro, who worked as a salesman in the neighborhood, was attacked by the young: He called himself a Nazi and stood up firmly.
Pride Cazurro is made up of fascist fans of the Grand Club de Fútbol de León. Precisely, the fascist, who acted as a seller, wore the t-shirt of this group in San Prudencio, when the aforementioned person faced it. Pride Cazurro has been prohibited from accessing the stadium of León because of the fascist gestures and songs he does in it.
The person who opposed the fascist vendor videotaped it and posted it on social media. The video was widely disseminated and the police opened an investigation.
The Civil Guard has arrested the person who has faced a complaint lodged in San Prudencio by the fascist who acted against him in connection with the events that occurred in the event. A number of media outlets announced on Wednesday the arrest of the two suspects of terrorism.
The Civil Guard assures that the fascist who had pointed out to him "was threatened and humiliated by the detainee", while "doing his job", according to the same source. For this reason, he has been accused of a "hate crime", apparently for "ideological motivation". The video that he recorded and published has already been erased.
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