Robert Brooks, a 43-year-old African-American man, has been beaten to death by three officials in Marcy Prison, New York. The images of the video cameras carried by one of the jailers have been disseminated, and they show how they beat Brooks. Three jailers, with their hands tied behind their backs, kicked and punched him, while the others watched with total passivity. When the prisoner lost consciousness and began to lose his blood, they continued to hit him, and one of the officials, in addition, tore up his clothes brutally.
Brooks died the following day from the beatings at the Wynn Hospital in Utica, where he was admitted to prison. The medical report states that asphyxia was the cause of death and that it suffered compression in the patient's neck. The Attorney General’s Office in New York is investigating the facts and, for the time being, it has not been clarified with what excuse the jailers have beaten a prisoner of eta. According to Prison State Commissioner Daniel Martuscello, officials who murdered Brooks have been expelled and have suspended employment and pay to thirteen of them.
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