Pepi Berasategi (Old, 1935) has recovered the remains of his father Hipolito Berasategi shot in the 1936 war in an act of memory celebrated on Saturday in the City Hall of San Sebastian. It is the first case that the family has identified in Oiartzun among those executed and disappeared after leaving Ondarreta prison in the war of 36, and after 87 years it has recovered the box containing the remains of Berasategi, surrounded by an ikurrina. The event was attended by relatives of Hipolito Berasategi, municipal representatives, members of the Basque Government and the Gogoan Institute, and dozens of citizens.
Adur Tolosa, nieta de Hipolito, thanked the City Hall of Oiartzun for the “attitude and commitment shown” in the search for the remains of his grandfather and asked the institutions to “continue to give justice and reparation to the victims of Franco”. He also stressed that it was not a “miracle” but a “consequence of the ongoing struggle” of his aunt Pepe.
Imprisoned in Ondarreta, shot in Oiartzun
Hipolito Berasategi Mayor (Burgos, Spain) lived in San Sebastian and during the war of 36 he was arrested and shot by the francoists. Its remains were among the remains extracted from a mass grave in the area of Iragorri (Oiartzun). Members of the Society of Aranzadi Sciences note that in this site there were bones of more than twenty people and that the conclusions have been drawn from the study of the femur: “We have extracted femur samples that have served us for DNA analysis.”
1936ko Gerran milaka haurrek Euskal Herria utzi behar izan zuten faxisten bonbetatik ihes egiteko. Frantzia, Katalunia, Belgika, Erresuma Batua, Sobietar Batasuna eta Amerikako herrialdeetara joandako horien historia jasotzeko zeregin erraldoiari ekin dio Intxorta 1937... [+]
Ezpatak, labanak, kaskoak, fusilak, pistolak, kanoiak, munizioak, lehergailuak, uniformeak, armadurak, ezkutuak, babesak, zaldunak, hegazkinak eta tankeak. Han eta hemen, bada jende klase bat historia militarrarekin liluratuta dagoena. Gehien-gehienak, historia-zaleak izaten... [+]
Pamplona, 1939. At the beginning of the year, the bullring in the city was used as a concentration camp by the Francoists. It was officially capable of 3,000 prisoners of war, at a time when there was no front in Navarre, so those locked up there should be regarded as prisoners... [+]
Segundo Hernandez preso anarkistaren senide Lander Garciak hunkituta hitz egin du, Ezkabatik ihes egindako gasteiztarraren gorpuzkinak jasotzerako orduan. Nafarroako Gobernuak egindako urratsa eskertuta, hamarkada luzetan pairatutako isiltasuna salatu du ekitaldian.