Born in Galicia, Rei was a journalist who since the 1980s had raised polemics in journalism in the Basque Country.
He participated in the creation of the journal La Voz de Euskadi and is known for his research work in Egin, Interviú and Ardi Negra, among others. He denounced what was happening at the headquarters of the Intxaurrondo Civil Guard and wrote, among others, about Enrique Rodríguez Galindo, Baltasar Garzón and King Juan Carlos, becoming the target of several.
The office to be carried out, for example, was registered by the Ertzaintza and the Civil Guard and seized documents, was condemned for insults against Intxaurrondo leader Enrique Rodríguez Galdindo, and Judge Baltasar Garzón closed both Egin and Ardi Beltza.
Egin Investigación is one of his journalistic works. Another form of journalism (along with Edurne San Martin), Intxaurrondo. The green plot, Garzón. The other side, El Jesuita and El republica canalla, to name a few. He has also written novels such as La cloaca vasca and La red Galindo, with the editorial Txalaparta.
In 2002 he suffered a serious road accident in Donostia-San Sebastian and retired from public life.
In this interview published in ARGIA, the Department of the Interior of the Basque Government referred, among other things, to the campaigns promoted against him by "Atutxa and his press officer, Jon Goikolea".
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