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The 15th edition of the Alternative Film Festival comes to foster critical thinking

  • Includes documentaries about 'Two breaths' and anarchist Salvador Seguí. In addition, the Alternative Film Festival has adhered to protests by different actors of the social movement to promote "active collaboration".

19 September 2023 - 08:00
Last updated: 10:05

The San Sebastian Alternative Film Festival celebrates its 15th edition. Since its inception, in Corcho's, its objective has been to promote critical thinking, project works on social issues and conflicts, initiate debates, generate thoughts and collectively confront problems. Thus, most projections are focused on self-managed spaces and on the street, "in this neoliberal city, to reclaim the spaces of the citizens' relationship, as a means of cinema to sewing communities and using culture as a tool of social transformation".

The projections are organized in collaboration with the social movements and the Alternative Film Festival joins the calls of these agents, placing the projection at that moment within their program. The actions defined this year are the following: on the one hand, to denounce the problems posed by the housing problem the Ehun movement, a camp will be held in Plaza Sert de la Antigua from 22 to 24 September, and on 23 September the projection of Habitar la Utopia will be projected; and on the other, on 29 September, within the dynamics organized by the Association of Neighbors of Utopia

On the other hand, as was done in the last edition. special recognition of journalist Pablo González. Last year Gonzalez’s documentary Living the War (Live War) was released and after a talk with his wife Oihana Goiriena. The interview was guided by ARGIA journalist Lander Arbelaitz; here you can see the full conversation and read here the chronicle written the following day by Arbelaitz.

The Alternative Film Festival will offer seven sessions in this edition:

-22 September on the terrace of the Gaztetxe Letaman in Intxaurrondo: Salvador Seguí, a story of an anarchist.

-23 September, in the camp of Sert Square, in Benta Berri: Inhabiting Utopia.

-25 September, Plaza de la Cantera, Añorga: The holidays of Modern Pilgrim.

-27 September at the UPV School of Architecture: Citizen Jane.

-28 September on the terrace of the Gaztetxe Txantxarreka, in Antigua: Endless.

-29 September in Manteo, Gros: God forgives me.

-30 September in Marruma, Gros: Two breaths.

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