ARGIA in the Precarious Planet of Kamino, Pello Zubiria. The crisis and resistance chronicle of the 21st century has published a selection of hundreds of articles written in the Net Ondoan section from 2002 to 2022, with facts, history, experiences, data and analysis from all continents of the planet that address current issues and future issues.
The public presentation will take place on November 2 at the ARGIA headquarters in Lasarte-Oria and next week this magazine will publish a comprehensive interview with the author on paper and podcast.
Zubiria has made a long career in Basque journalism. The ARGIA Working Group has been working since the early 1980s, as well as projects in this regard: Apparently in the printing press, in Euskaldunon Egunkaria, in the Ametzagaiña group... Militant of left-wing environmentalism, he has tried to do journalism from this base, and the Planet proves it in the Precarious.
A book looking to the future
An ARGIA team participated in the selection and editing work: "This is not a collection. During the writing, we journalists have often admired Pello’s ability to become aware of rigorous readings that anticipate the tectonic changes that have shaken the future. If our colleagues at ARGIA have worked hard to make this book, it's because we see it can serve to better understand the world today and tomorrow."
“Zubiria generally investigates the violence and cynicism of the rich and powerful. At the same time, it clearly shows us their empathy with younger
people" Emilio López Adam, Black
The book initially contains a beautiful map of the world based on the projection of Peters, made by the illustrator Adur Larrea, and the preamble has been written by Emilio López Adan Beltza: “Zubiria generally investigates the violence and cynicism of the rich and powerful. At the same time, it clearly shows us their empathy with younger people to denounce what they suffer or to remember the initiatives they have created,” says Beltza. In short, this book perfectly summarizes the way ARGIA journalism is done.
Do the ARGIA and collect at home
Writing and publishing such works would not be possible without the support of ARGIA members, as thanks to their economic contribution we make independent journalism.
Until November 5 we launched a special offer to buy the book on the Precario Planeta: Persons who join ARGIA within this period will receive the gift at home and those who have already done so will be able to buy it for a price of 20 euros, by writing to the address or by calling (+34) 943 37 15 45.
For the rest, it is for sale at the ARGIA Fair.
Vietnam, February 7, 1965. The U.S. Air Force first used napalma against the civilian population. It was not the first time that gelatinous gasoline was used. It began to be launched with bombs during World War II and, in Vietnam itself, it was used during the Indochina War in... [+]
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