Moncloa has recalled that he is considered a case of espionage outside Spain and that he has filed a complaint with the National Court, considering that these are illegal activities. He mentioned three attacks, two to President Sánchez (with 2.6 gigas and 130 megawatts of robberies) and a third to the Minister of Defence (nine megawatts of information). "We are convinced that this is an external and external aggression. In a democracy like ours, only the official institutions have the capacity to intervene, always with judicial authorization. We have no doubt that this is an external intervention," said Presidency Minister Félix Bolaños. In addition, he added that more mobile phones are also being tested to see if they have been affected by the virus.
As you have explained, Pedro Sánchez was first monitored in May 2021, when he was already in office as president, and in June of that same year Robles.
Catalan and Basque politicians who have been at the epicenter of the news in recent weeks have reacted immediately.
The words of Carles Puigdemont, after stating that this news is also very serious: "My solidarity with them, as victims, and my highest demand for them, as those responsible for the fact that nothing has been done until TrailersGate has collapsed," he added.
Laura Borràs de Junts: "Sanchez and Robles say that they have spied on them and that they have spied on them and condemned them. This is now a serious issue, which not only affected independence, but also justified by the minister. Proof that it is not necessary to clean the sewage if you can use it. Or is it an operation from executioner to victim? Agur TangoGate? We don't swallow.
Oriol ERC jacks: "It is clear that the Spanish State has carried out a massive and illegal espionage against the independence movement throughout Spain. That is why, far from possible alibi, we call for political responsibilities."
Marta Rovira from ERC: "Moncloa says that Moncloa has spied on Moncloa with the Pegasus that has the Moncloa. Now, the Moncloa will NOT take political responsibility."
Albert Botran of the Cup: - To make smoke executioners victims? Directing attention abroad? Or does the CNI itself spy for the unity of Spain? ".
Jon Iñarritu from EH Bildu: "You've known it for months, and if you've said it now, we agree it's a smokescreen, right?" ".
Attorney Gonzalo Boye: "TrailersGate is highlighting the gravity of what happened and the power of what is the deep Spanish state," he added. Apparently, the government has no control over this power."
This weekend it has been known that the Omnium Association has filed a complaint for the espionage case TrailersGate and will ask for a European Research Order to investigate with Pegasus who ordered the espionage and how much it cost. The Cup, for its part, has also filed another complaint, in which it also asks for reports.
Jar gaitezen 2025erako proposamen politiko gisa, Espainiako Auzitegi Kolonialaren (AN) epai guztiak berrikusten hasteko eta makila bakoitzak bere belari eusteko.
Unionismoarekin lerrokatutako alderdi, sindikatu eta gizarte-erakunde gehienek, eta ez bakarrik horrela... [+]