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After the pupils at the Catholic College of Lestelle-Betharram in Bearn made known the physical violence and sexual abuse they had suffered for years, they organized the first encounter between victims and representatives of the congregation of Betharram with the aim of... [+]
Almost a hundred pupils at Notre Dame de Betharram school who have reported physical and sexual violence have joined the list of 26 other complaints. Among them is the case of a monitor that is still working in the center: The 12-year-old has been subjected to tests showing that... [+]
The Spanish Episcopal Conference approved on Tuesday the payment of financial compensation to victims of sexual abuse, although dioceses and congregations will not be obliged to execute them. The Spanish Government has strongly criticised the plan, which has been done... [+]
The Catholic Church of Spain recognizes 1,057 child sexual abuse in the Church. It denies the commission of abuse for years or neglects cases. Until recently, the Church has argued that there were few complaints in Spain or that there were no complaints. In any case, the amount... [+]
There are currently 147 forensic studies in the Spanish State for sexual abuse inside the Church, 67% of which are cases after the year 2000. The Public Prosecutor's Office has stated in its annual report that "subsidiary civil liability" of ecclesiastical institutions should be... [+]
The Socialist Organization of Women Itaia of Goierri met at noon on Saturday at Bideluze Square in Beasain, against his appointment as auxiliary priest of the church of Our Lady of Heaven, under the motto "Liberates the impunity of the Church".
Pedro Ayuso, bishop of San Sebastian, has named Juan Kruz Mendizabal auxiliary priest of the church of Beasain. Mendizabal is known for her child sexual abuse. Itaia del Goierri has called for a concentration against the denomination and “impunity of the church”.
Juan Kruz Mendizabal “Kakux” is appointed auxiliary priest of the church of Beasain by the bishop of San Sebastian Pedro Ayuso. Mendizabal was Vicar General of Gipuzkoa and in the summer camps he committed sexual abuse to several minors, using his confidence.
‘To give birth’ is the first document of the Catholic Church of Spain on pederastia. On Thursday, it has been published in Madrid where hundreds of minors have been sexually abused by members of the Church since the 1940s. The anti-pederastia associations have repeatedly... [+]
The commission created by the Diocese of Bilbao for the investigation of sexual abuse inside the church and the protection of minors has interviewed over 50 victims since its launch in 2019. The results of the study have now been published: "There have also been sexual abuse in... [+]
Cases of sexual abuse and pederastia within the Catholic Church have filled many pages of the media for the work done by the newspaper The Boston Globe two decades ago, since it received the Pulitzer Prize in 2003, to uncover the abuses of the Archbishop of Boston. But most... [+]
Several neighbors denounce the sexual abuse committed by a Elgoibar priest in the 1960s when they were children. The newspaper Berria collects testimonies of abuses committed by the abbot who has identified as "Don Andoni". On the other hand, EiTB has found that the pederasta... [+]
On Monday, Bilbaíno Fernando Prado was appointed new bishop of San Sebastian. He will inherit Munilla after eight months without bishop. But the most surprising aspect of the presentation was the presence of Juan Kruz Mendizabal Kakux.
Delitua preskribatuta egonik ere, biktimen aitortza bermatuko du legeak. Nafarroako Gobernuko indarrek aurkeztu dute lege proposamena, eta EH Bildu eta Ezkerraren babesa ere izan du. Navarra Sumak, aldiz, kontra bozkatu du.
This is the first law of the Spanish State to recognize victims of sexual abuse committed within the Catholic Church. As stated in the draft, a committee will be set up to assess the victims’ demands and to issue an annual report on the cases of pederastia detected.
Eguneraketa berriak daude - Mastodonen partekatzea
OHARRA: Aukera hau hautatuz gero hurrengo aldietan ez dizu galdetuko ze instantzia erabili nahi duzun.