Paul Bilbao has acknowledged that the ruling that has been made public today against the Basque decree is a harsh blow that "will have consequences on the guarantee of linguistic rights". “2,000. As UPN wanted since 2008, this ruling can make the Basque invisible in mixed areas and in non-Basque areas,” said the Secretary General of the Council. “Having publications, print, documentation, posters or signs in Basque will be at the will of those who govern each administration,” said Bilbao, “does not prohibit the Basque language, but does not impose bilingualism”. Thus, “from now on it is up to us citizens, our municipalities and governments, to ask for communications and publications in Euskera so that the Basque country does not become invisible”, said Paul Bilbao.
The role of UGT
In his first statements in Euskalerria Irratia, the Secretary-General of the Council has complained about the role that UGT has taken in this process. The judgment, made public by the Superior Court of Justice of Navarra, is the result of the appeal filed by Juan José Lizarbe on behalf of the UGT trade union against the decree. “I am surprised at how far UGT has come,” said Bilbao, “in his appeal he has called for the defence of workers’ rights to be overcome and the use of the Basque country to be suspended.” Bilbao has denounced that it is a big step backwards in coexistence. "How does a worker affect the documentation he receives from the administration, advertising, signs or labelling of bilingual vehicles? ", concluded Paul Bilbao.