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More mobilizations this weekend for Patxi Ruiz

  • Today, the Basque political prisoner is on hunger strike for 26 days. This weekend, demonstrations were organized in Euskal Herria and internationally to denounce their situation and to claim amnesty in Basque society.
Patxi Ruizen aldeko manifestazioa Donostian. Argazkia: Gedar langile kazeta Argazkia: Gedar langile kazeta

05 June 2020 - 12:16
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

This weekend, more mobilizations have been called to denounce the situation of Patxi Ruiz and to call for amnesty. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, demonstrations and gatherings will take place at different points in the Basque geography.

There are twenty-six days that Ruiz takes on a hunger strike. The prisoner made his situation known three days ago, when he sent a written letter before being hospitalized, informing him of his situation. There, the Txantrea, for the umpteenth time, denounced the "attacks and threats" they suffer in prisons and reiterated their intention to continue the hunger strike.

Mobilisations on Friday

A number of calls have already been published today. In Baiona, for example, they will concentrate at 18:30 in front of the Herriko Etxea of the working capital. At the same time as Maule, the concentration will take place in front of the White Cross of Bizkaia. In Deusto (Bilbao) they will meet at 19:00 in the Plaza de San Pedro. In Elgoibar and Basauri the concentrations will be held at 19:30 hours in the Plaza de los Caladeros and in the Plaza de la Venta, respectively. In Burlada, the call was opened at 20:00 in Plaza Askas. In Berango, at 20:00 hours they will poteo in solidarity with Patxi, drinking water and distributing information through the bars. In Tolosa, protesters have a date from 20:00 hours from the square of the Tolosa Triangle. The solidarity initiative has also been transferred to Barcelona, where at 20:00 hours the mobilization of the Plaça de l'Estació de Sant Andreu Arenal de Nou Barris will take place.


Starting in the morning, a car caravan will be held in Berango from 10:00 hours from Milla to Basauri prison. They will then concentrate in front of Basauri prison at around 13:00 in the afternoon. In Donostia-San Sebastian there will be a demonstration tomorrow, at 20:15 hours, from the Boulevard, where the columns will come out. At the international level, concentrations will also be held in the Irish cities of Derry and Dublin in favour of Ruiz.


In Ondarroa at 13:00 hours several people will concentrate on the Alameda de Urquijo. In Berango, for their part, they will meet at 13:00 in the Plaza de los Gudaris.

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