Neighbors Josu Pikaba and Karmen Clemente speak on behalf of Viva in the Bay. According to statements received by the newspaper Nueva, the fire on August 2 was considered a “crime against health and the environment” by these neighbors.
The attitude of the institutions has also been criticized while the complaint was lodged with the Public Prosecutor ' s Office, regretting that the citizens were not informed. “We still don’t know what material was burned in the fire, or what particles were spilled into the air and into the urethra,” say members of Bahía Viva. The prosecutor is asked to “look for those responsible.”
The junk at Lezo Pier caught fire earlier this month: It consisted of 2,000 tons of material, consisting of cars compacted into blocks according to existing information. The fire caused a large smoke horn that could be seen from different parts of Gipuzkoa, causing a serious situation –recommended by the emergency services to close the windows of the surrounding houses.
Macarena Olona estatuko abokatuak eta portuko aholkulariak iazko apirilean salatu zuen fiskaltzaren aurrean Pasaiako portuko lonjaren eraikuntzan balizko ustelkeria kasua. Espainiako Estatu mailan indarrean daude ere beste hamar portutako ustelkeria kasuen ikerketak.
Zamaketariek greba egingo zutela iragarri zuten egunean blogean idatzitako artikuluaren itzulpena da hau. Otsailaren 15ean Espainiako Gobernuak atzeratu egin du erreforma eta langileek greba bertan behera utzi dute. Askoren ustez, langileen garaipena izan da, baina Gobernuak... [+]