The Minister of Health, Alberto Martínez, took to the meeting a comprehensive report detailing the diagnosis of the situation and announced that next March he would like to reach a health agreement with the agents involved.
The meeting was attended by the parties with representation in the Basque Parliament, except Vox, which was not invited by Pradales; the Medical Union and the nursing union SATSE; the unions CCOO, LAB and UGT; the UPV, Deusto and Mondragon, the employers' association Confesbask, and representatives of patients and professionals.
The ESK trade union was not invited but has expressed its desire to attend the meeting to be held from the next meeting. ELA refused to be, because it sees no willingness on the part of the Basque Government to make the necessary changes in Osakidetza.
The Health Advisor raised issues such as the ageing of society, falling birth rates, the increase in chronic diseases, the emergence of new diseases or climate change. It also underlined the growing demand for health services in society.
First of all, he stressed that Osakidetza needs more funding and that funding models will also have to be analysed. Among other things, he highlighted the importance of prevention and the need to improve the working conditions of professionals.
Most satisfied agents
At the first meeting, the actors were satisfied, although some of the reactions showed a certain sense of mistrust. Sumar pointed out that, for example, they differ greatly from the policies of the Basque Government and that is why he showed a certain degree of scepticism. LAB was pleased with the meeting, but pointing out that now it does not mean that it will be in the pact, and that it will be for content: “In the diagnosis we have been very surprised that there are no studies on the policies that have been carried out with the workers and their consequences, not even on the impact of privatization policies.”
With it came the ELA trade union, which did not attend the meeting, because it considers that the government does not intend to make profound changes in health matters: “ELA is at the Osakidetza sector table with the other trade unions, and that table is completely blocked. Reading the government’s programme of government, we see no sign that the government has the will to change health policies.” ELA has pointed out that it does not participate in the social dialogue tables because “they have no content and are propaganda”.
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