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They call on parliaments to receive children from Greek refugee camps such as those in Ukraine

  • The Ongi Etorri Refugees and Mugak Zabalduz associations will launch an initiative to bring to Euskal Herria children from Greek refugee camps in “very weak conditions”. They have met with the Parliament of Navarre to demand that these children give them guarantees and protection, as is done with those from Ukraine.

25 May 2022 - 17:27
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The Ongi Etorri Refugees and Mugak Zabalduz associations announced at a press conference on Wednesday the intention of bringing “very vulnerable” children who do not have health care and dignified food in Greek refugee camps to Euskal Herria. It aims to give good attention here to children who “have serious health problems” and have clarified that the report of Médecins Sans Frontières and the support of colleagues who know the situation in which they find themselves.

But, as this is not enough, they have directly addressed the Parliament of Navarre and the Basque Parliament to make specific demands, and have asked themselves to ensure that the decisions taken with the children of Ukraine are also used for the other refugees. The requirements document has also been sent to the Spanish Ministry of the Interior. Three main requests were made to them:

- Granting of a temporary residence permit for exceptional humanitarian reasons.

- Opening of human corridors, taking as an example the example of the Community of Sant ‘Egidio, among others.

- Adoption of the People ' s Legislative Initiative for the Extraordinary Regularization of Foreigners (at the time of signature collection).

On the path of Ukrainian refugees

The associations have supported the directive that they have activated to give asylum to citizens fleeing the war in Ukraine, as well as the “dignified welcome” of the countries of the European Union. They recall that all states must respect and guarantee migratory routes “without exception”, as stated in the Treaty signed by the Spanish State in 2018.

However, they warn of non-compliance: “We do not share the unworthy treatment of other people who escape similar situations in other places (Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Kurdistan…).” They have therefore asked the institutions to support and support the refugees they want to bring from Greece in order to carry out the initiative.

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Malen Garmendia: “Politika migratorioak hiltzaileak eta oso arrazistak dira”

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