According to Franceinfo, the police are criticizing the Paris police chief, Didier Lallement. On March 7, Mediaparte published that he questioned the “management carried out for the maintenance of order” in the internal notes of the Gendarmerie and the CRS. Senior officials judged the prefect ' s practices as follows: "They are legally questionable and politically harmful," he added. In addition, they have also assured that "they are contrary to the law and regulations in force" on the website on which the study was published.
According to a statement issued in September 2019, a meeting was organized in the Prefecture to discuss these Jackets, on the eve of a day of mobilization. "It's clear that groups need an impact," said Gendarmerie officials involved in operations, who are developing under surveillance. According to Mediaparte, these precepts are described as follows: Voluntary derogation from the provisions of Articles L 211-9 and R 211-13 of the ITUC (Internal Security Code). According to these articles, “the use of force will be limited to absolute necessity” and “the force used must be proportional to the disorder that will stop”.
However, the statement confirms that during police action "an excessive use of force" has been seen in the area. "On several occasions, the Police Prefecture ordered confinement maneuvers in order to weaken its opponent," the same sources wrote. This criterion is to surround the protesters and lock them up. However, they insisted on the need to leave "an escape route" in order to prevent incidents. The gendarmes believe that this technique can cause "dangerous mass movements."
According to Mediaparte, another document of the Gendarmerie denounces this practice. The police intervention came after the firefighters were mobilized in Paris on October 15, 2019, and a captain in charge of a mobile Gendarmerie squad disobeyed the prefect's orders. Instead of confining himself to the Concorde Bridge, he decided to "escort protesters on the subway to avoid an accident."
Another written within a CRS unit refers to the orders given to the police brigades with Brav motorcycles. "Police Prefecture gaskets are already insidious," an official policeman wrote in an internal CRS message, following the mobilisation of these guerrillas in Paris on 18 January 2020. According to Mediass's message, "the Black Block didn't get scared. They were dissolved when the Brav unit began to intervene." At the end of the Gare de Lyon rally "the Bravs started running towards crowding." The CRS has found it surprising that action is being taken in this way at a time when there has been no confrontation.
To Rosa, yes, because that's what home and friends said. On 30 June she will be 29 years old as a result of an infection caused by a pelotazo released 7-8 meters by the Ertzainas. This was evident at the hearing or working session held on 26 January 2023 before the Police Victim... [+]