The Salhaketa group has given several examples. Prisoners with release from prison must return to quarantine, which means “being only 24 hours a day, without contact with any person, locked between four walls”, i.e. “total isolation, established as a health measure”.
In addition, Salhaketa has underlined the harm to prisoners of not being able to make visas or face to face on their visit to prison in the United Kingdom to prevent such communication.
Competence in prison health lies with the Government of Navarra
Thus, the group has recalled that it has been almost two years and has asked the Government of Navarre to apply to the prisoners the measures applied to the rest of the Navarre population in relation to the pandemic, since since last August the foral government has the health competence of the prison in Pamplona.
“We call for the rights of prisoners in the Pamplona prison and their relatives and relatives to be respected.”
Alarma jo du, beste urte batez, OIP Presondegien Nazioarteko Behatokiak. Abenduaren lehenean marka berri bat hautsi zen frantses estatuan, 80.792 pertsona atxiloturekin. Espetxe-administrazioaren aitzinikuspenen arabera, gainera, 86.000 baino gehiago izan litezke 2027an egungo... [+]