The World Bank has warned that 60 million people over $1.90 per day may increase their volume over $1.90. It has blamed the situation for the pandemic and predicted that the economic crisis of 2020 will be severe. Malpass has said that the economy of developing countries is more vulnerable and has announced that the crisis will hit these countries more intensively.
The World Bank (WB) has reported that it has operated in more than a hundred countries in which more than 70 per cent of the world ' s population resides.
Horren arabera, datorren astelehenetik aurrera, orain arte COVID-19ari aurre egiteko neurriak bertan behera geratuko dira Eusko Jaurlaritzaren eskumeneko alorretan. Labi bera ere desegin egingo dute.
That's the summer that we have, and with it the holidays that we usually link to this season, as if they were a reward to everything that has been given throughout the year. And again people want to go away. He wants to be on the famous coast, marvelous nature or the world's... [+]