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The Euskarabildua conference will talk about the plague of private data and about technological sovereignty

  • At this time of COVID-19, the 9th Euskarabildua Day will focus on two issues. On the one hand, the loss of data privacy and, on the other, the contributions that technological sovereignty can make in this area. The conference will be held initially at the San Telmo Museum in Donostia, with the capacity reduced by half due to the pandemic and respecting security measures. On the ARGIA website you will be able to follow live streaming. If you want to go, you have to sign up. The organizers are Iametza, ARGIA and Ametzagaina.

21 October 2020 - 16:58

"In a world dominated by digital technologies, where what appears to be transparent and democratic, we often do not see the logic behind it. The excesses of the tech giants behind the devices that we increasingly use have led us to reformulate basic civil rights such as privacy. In the face of one of the most important global events of the last century in 2020, we believe that we need to reflect and debate. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the extreme problem between technology and privacy. The new public policies that have been organized according to citizenship data have confirmed an idea that already existed: citizens have no control over our data, and this can be used to control us," they say in the presentation of the conference.

Based on the current situation, this year’s Euskarabildua day will bring together two themes: the situation generated by the pandemic and the contributions that technological sovereignty can make to it. The conference will take place at the San Telmo Museum in Donostia-San Sebastián, on Thursday, October 29, from 09:00 to 09:00.


The programme below:

09:00: Packaging

09:15: Entry: We're data; Elisabeth Pombo (Iametza)

09:30:Talk: Towards a pandemic Big Brother? ; Gemma Galdón (University of Barcelona and Eticas Research & Consulting)

10:20: Talk: Data and social justice; Javier Sánchez (Data Justice Lab)

11:00: Pause.

11:30: Collective Intelligence: Your voice in the node (workshop).

12:00: Talk: Define, defend and build data sovereignty; Marga Padilla (Cooperativa Dabne).

12:30 hours: Roundtable: Technological sovereignty in education: current panorama, alternatives and challenges for the future; participants: Mikel Garcia (ARGIA), Pedro Arreitunandia (Elgoibar Machine Tool Institute) and Diana Franco (Also in Education Librezale).

More details about each participant in this link.

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