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Screening of films on Palestine, mental health and transsexuality at the Film and Human Rights Festival

  • To be held from 12 to 19. The San Sebastian Film and Human Rights Festival, with the screening of films such as mental health, the situation in Palestine, migration, the future of work, Ukrainian children and the rights of transsexuals, will be some of the themes of the films and tertulias of the festival, as well as exhibitions in different parts of the city.

08 April 2024 - 06:30
'Nafroush' film laburreko irudi bat. Argazkia: Giza Eskubideen Zinemaldia
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

With "The Jump" (Benito Zambrano, 2023) the festival will open on Day 12 at Victoria Eugenia Theatre. The inaugural session will be attended by filmmaker Fernando León de Aranoa, who will receive the award of recognition for his entire career. For its part, Nina (Andrea Jaurrieta, 2023) will close the festival on the 19th at the awards gala of feature films and shorts. Total:

They have programmed a total of 45 films of 35 nationalities (26 films and 19 short films), with great names such as Agnieszka Holland and Nuri Bilge Ceylan, in addition to the absolute releases of Violence oi(h) (Amaia Merino and Ander Iriarte, 2023) and Death in Amara (Aitor Gonzalez de Langarica). Most films will be screened at Victoria Eugenia Theatre, except five, with two screenings at the Main Theatre and three at Tabakalera, three of the Cinema and Memory cycle. The programming will be completed almost every day with talks from the protagonists of the films, filmmakers and personalities who are experts in the topics discussed.

On the other hand, in the Main Theatre the morning sessions will be nine for the city's schools. The films selected by age groups are Kurrin (Mascha Halberstad, 2022), Dounia and Princess of Aleppo (Marya Zarif, 2022) and 20,000 bee species (Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren, 2023). The didactic guides of the films have been produced this year by Zinhezba, Kalakalab and GazteFilm Fest. In addition, they have organized four exhibitions around the festival and organized the online game on human rights MUGI TÚ, with the help of the NGO Coordinator for the Development of the Basque Country.

Tickets will be sold today 5 at 11:30 at the ticket offices of the Teatro Principal and Teatro Victoria Eugenia, as well as on the festival website. 21. You can see all the programming and details of the San Sebastian Film and Human Rights Festival here.

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